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Terms of service

1. Purpose and scope
* Purpose and scope

1. Purpose

This regulation is intended to regulate the operation of EMDDI's airport taxi service, ensuring professionalism, safety and convenience for customers.

2. Scope:

This Regulation applies to the entire operation of EMDDI's airport taxi service.

2. General Terms and Conditions
* General Terms and Conditions

1. Driver

Drivers must have a valid and qualified driver's license to operate the vehicle.Drivers must be trained in safe driving skills and have basic knowledge of airport taxi services.Drivers must ensure personal hygiene and vehicles are always clean and tidy

2. Vehicle:

Vehicles must ensure safety, have all valid papers, insurance and meet technical and safety requirements of the vehicle.Vehicles must be regularly maintained to ensure good and safe operation.

3. Customer:

Customers must have accurate information on pick up and drop off times and locations.Customers must comply with regulations related to traffic safety and environmental protection.

3. Operating Process
* Operating Process

1. Place a car:

Customers can book a car directly by phone, via EMDDI's online car booking system on other platforms such as Vietnam Airlines. Customers need to provide full information about the time and location of pick-up and drop-off.

2. Order processing:

EMDDI will receive and process car orders from customers. EMDDI will send order information to the most suitable driver.

3. Make the trip:

Drivers must comply with traffic safety and environmental protection regulations during vehicle operation. The driver must ensure that the vehicle is always clean, tidy and fully equipped with safety equipment. In case the customer wants to change the drop-off location, the driver must contact EMDDI to make an adjustment to the order. After completing the trip, the driver must make a receipt and hand it over to the customer. EMDDI will store information about the order and ensure the confidentiality of customer information.

4. Complaint settlement
* Complaint settlement

1. In case a customer has a service complaint, the customer can contact EMDDI to get it resolved.

2. EMDDI will receive and handle customer complaints as soon as possible.

3. EMDDI is committed to ensuring the interests of customers and finding the most reasonable solution to resolve complaints.

5. Conclusion
* Conclusion

1. This regulation is applied to ensure professionalism, safety and convenience for customers when using EMDDI's airport taxi service.

2. EMDDI will receive and handle customer complaints as soon as possible. This Policy may be adjusted or supplemented by EMDDI from time to time to meet customer needs and change. change in the company's business.

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